Se afișează postările cu eticheta Working with layers. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta Working with layers. Afișați toate postările

sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie 2010

Photoshop Tutorial : Duplicating a Layer

How to duplicate a layer ?
Here is a mini-tutorial that will help you understand and work with layers.
To duplicate a layer , first we need an actual layer. Then , we have to left click and drag the layer we want to duplicate , all the way down in the layer menu , to the "Add a new layer" Button.Take a close look in the following image.

click this image to zoomSo , you have to left click the layer you want to duplicate , and then , drag it all the way down to the marked button i showed you before , that says "Add a new layer" , and then , release the left click when your cursor is pointing that icon.That's it ! That's how easy it is. Thanks for reading see you on my next tutorial !

Photoshop Tutorial : Working with Layers

First , we're gonna learn how to do a simple layer.We do that by clicking the Create a new Layer button on the bottom right corner.It's the one next to the "Bin" icon.
On it's right side there's the Bin-looking icon . That's the button we use to DELETE .
And , on it's left side there's the button that looks like a folder . We use that one to Create a new Group.We can drag layers into that group just to organise our workspace.

Up next , i made a small scheme that will help you to find the buttons.

Click to zoom

marți, 8 iunie 2010

Photoshop Tutorial : Layers

Layers are one of the most basic things you should learn , when begining to learn Photoshop. Think about layers as simple images stacked on top of another. Most of the cool images you see out there are the result of hours of intense photoshop work and many many layers .

For example :
The next image has been made from 3 layers !

Here are the 3 layers :

You can find these layers in the Photoshop menu , right bottom corner :

Click this image to zoom .

You will need to know only of these 3 buttons for now.Also , take note , that layers act as single standalone images. If the layers don't have a transparent background they will simply overlay and only the last layer will appear.
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